If you watched our Actium wargame, you heard Dr. Adrian Goldsworthy tease a future discussion of ancient naval tactics. How did fleet commanders in this period control so many ships? How did the communicate? We have a 7-minute bonus interview clip with Dr. Goldsworthy available for FREE on our Patreon page. We hope you enjoy the extended look! |
Happy July 4th! If you enjoyed our Vicksburg "what if" operational game, you'll probably also enjoy the full length debrief discussion. Join Keith, Mark, and Miles for an in-depth chat about the game and what they could have done differently. Do Miles and Mark think they could have managed to win WITHOUT Longstreet's troops? Why didn't Keith go for Jackson? All those questions will be answered right here on the Free Stuff page. Thanks for stopping by the LWTV website to visit us. This week on YouTube, we brought you along as we crashed Alan Perry's game room to check out his amazing garage set up. But we also had the chance to sit down and talk to Alan and Michael for a wide-ranging chat. Parts of that interview appear in this week's YouTube video, but we wanted to upload a great bonus segment here on the 'Free Stuff' page. This segment is all about campaigns--how to run them, how the Perry's play them, and tips for improving your tabletop campaigns at home. And if you're wondering what these guys are playing on that lovely, 28mm Napoleonic table in Alan's game room....it's "Valour & Fortitude," of course! It's a free Napoleonic game we've been talking about on our channel and you can check it out for free right here.
Who was available? Ranger Nathan talks about the would-be contenders and how Robert E. Lee soon found himself tabbed for a field command. WATCH NOW!
We're officially wrapping up our Tombstone series with an in-depth discussion about the historical firearms used in the Shootout at the OK Corral. Chal and Tony sit down to talk about black powder weapons, one of the few Old West personalities who was known to make time for target practice, why Doc Holliday dropped his shotgun, and much more. Join us for a bonus video, available only on our Free Stuff page! Thanks for joining us.
Portions of this interview appear in our review video, but members of our Free Stuff page can now enjoy exclusive access to the "director's cut" of that conversation...which is to say, it's uncut! Our thanks again to Joe for sharing his film with us and sitting down to chat about the experience! You came here for free stuff, so here's a reminder for how you could win something special! Cigar Box Battle is offering one of our lucky viewers a free Winter Scrub terrain mat for Christmas. We have several of their mats in our club and the Winter Scrub one is especially versatile. You can see details of the mat on the Cigar Box site right here. The video explains how you can potentially win this mat, along with a custom LWTV backpack. Just after posting it, several of you on YouTube said that you do not use Facebook, so we immediately expanded the eligibility to include project photos we receive via email, as well. You can email us HERE! Little Wars TV is BACK! And we wanted to start by talking to hobby thought leaders around the world to find out where they see historical wargaming going in the coming years. Is the hobby growing, shrinking, or stagnating? What are the barriers to entry for new players and--most importantly--what can we do about it? We interviewed almost 20 people for this series and only used brief clips from some of those interviews. Exclusively for our Free Stuff page members, we wanted to share the full, unedited interview with one of our interviewees, Mike Whitaker. Mike is formerly a host of the popular Meeples & Miniatures podcast. Although that show is no longer active, Mike remains active on his blog and his own gaming podcast. He has some great thoughts on the state of the hobby and now you can listen to the entire segment, uninterrupted. Our thanks to Mike Whitaker for taking part in this series!
With our season premiere just days away, we're giving Free Stuff members an exclusive welcome video not publicly available on YouTube. Let's say "farewell" to the off-season and kick off a fresh slate of incredible wargame episodes--starting, of course, with Gettysburg! |
You Made it!Our bonus content is posted here throughout the season. You can also sort through our archive using the "Categories" section below. Categories