speed_play_variant.pdf |
You can download the official "speed play" variant for Altar of Freedom right here, absolutely free! This one-page PDF supplement provides a handful of rule revisions intended to take a large multi-player game, like our 3-day Gettysburg scenario, and speed up the game-play substantially. This supplement was written and designed by the original author of the game and involves no major revisions to the core mechanics of the system. Click below to download your free copy, courtesy of the official Altar of Freedom homepage!
Are you ready to try your hand at the Battle of Antietam? Maybe you've watched our episode and think you can do better than our club members. This is your chance to change history! Download the exact scenario we played in the episode and give it a shot! This is a free scenario PDF for use with the rules Altar of Freedom.
Go behind the scenes of Episode 101 with this photo gallery. Don't forget--the first episode of the series premieres July 12 on YouTube!
You Made it!Our bonus content is posted here throughout the season. You can also sort through our archive using the "Categories" section below. Categories