Throughout the rest of the season on Little Wars TV, we'll be bringing you a series of two-minute terrain tip videos. These tutorials will teach you how to make creative wargaming terrain on a budget. By editing the videos down to roughly two minutes each, we're hoping to deliver you high value in a hurry. We thought we would offer our first of many tips right here on the Free Stuff page, exclusively for our members only. It's a quick tutorial on how we modeled the muddy fields of Agincourt with some $4 latex caulk and scrap felt. Give this one a try at home for your games!
Do you think you overcome the muddy fields and brave a storm of arrows to break the English line at Agincourt? If you've watched our Agincourt wargame on YouTube, then you know that our French players met with much more success than the historical French nobles! Download the exact scenario we played in our episode and see if you can rewrite history. This is a free scenario PDF for use with the 2005 Chipco rules "Days of Knights," though you could easily translate the orders of battle for an alternative system.
The third episode of the series premieres on YouTube this Thursday, and until then, here's a behind the scenes look from filming day of the game! On Tuesday (tomorrow!) a surprise video will be dropping, announcing our first prize giveaway here at Little Wars TV. Anyone signed up for our "Free Stuff" page is automatically eligible to win--and if you're reading this, that's YOU! Check tomorrow's video for more details.
You Made it!Our bonus content is posted here throughout the season. You can also sort through our archive using the "Categories" section below. Categories