This free PDF scenario allows you to play the scenario seen in Episode 110, using Snappy Nappy. The scenario is so large and so complex that it includes seven different PDFs, all of which are available for you below! Click "Read More" below to see all the free files needed to replay our season finale.
Marengo Game Files
| This is the main scenario file, including OOBs, table maps, and scenario notes. |
| These are base labels you can print to tag your units for easy identification. |
| Paperwork for the 8 off-table staging areas required for the game. |
| All 23 roads have sign in sheets for players traversing the roads. |
| Briefing for all Austrian players. |
| Briefing for Napoleon, Lannes, and Victor. |
| Briefing only for Massena, who is under siege in Genoa and subject to special rules. |