IBERIA, 218 BC. With Hannibal rampaging in Italy and his brother Hasdrubal quelling revolts in Iberia, Rome sees an opening to act. The Scipio brothers cross the Ebro River with 30,000 men and invade Carthaginian territory in Iberia. Hasdrubal moves north with his own force--nearly equal in size--and skillfully draws the Romans onto a battlefield of his choosing. It is an open plain between two small towns along the river. The opposing armies skirmish for several days before both commit to a pitched battle.
Errata update!In case you missed the updates and news elsewhere, we did release a half-page errata for Age of Hannibal in July 2019, about a year after the rules were released. That errata is available on the AoH page, on the "Free Stuff" page, and right here!